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12th IEEE European Test SymposiumConvention Center, Freiburg, GermanyMay 20-24, 2007 | ![]() |
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Silicon Debug and Diagnosis
ETS'07 - Complete Final Program
- Complete Program
May 20th, 200708:00-14:00 Tutorial Registration
Location: Katholische Akademie. 09:00-10:30 TutorialsMore detailed information can be found here. 10:30-11:00 Coffee11:00-12:30 TutorialsMore detailed information can be found here. 12:30-13:30 Lunch13:30-15:00 TutorialsMore detailed information can be found here. 15:00-15:30 Coffee15:30-17:00 TutorialsMore detailed information can be found here. 15:00-18:30 Symposium Registration
Location: Dorint Novotel. 19:00-19:30 Organ Concerto
Prof. Klemens Schnorr at the Marienorgel at the Freiburger Münster. 19:30-21:30 Welcome Reception
Location: Historical Merchant House, Münsterplatz. May 21st, 200708:00-17:30 Symposium Registration
Location: Convention Center. 08:30-10:30 Session 1: Plenary Opening
Welcome Address
Technical Program Introduction
Presentation of ETS'06 Best Paper Award
09:00-09:45 Keynote
If It's All About Yield, Why Talk About Testing?
09:45-10:30 Invited Address
Electronics Design-For-Test: Past, Present and Future
10:30-11:00 Coffee11:00-12:30 Session 2A: Fault and Defect Diagnosis
Adaptive Debug and Diagnosis Without Fault Dictionaries
Interconnect Open Defect Diagnosis with Minimal Physical Information
DERRIC: a Tool for Unified Logic Diagnosis
08:30-10:30 Session 2B: Mixed Signal DFT and Test
A Digitally Testable Capacitance-Insensitive Mixed-Signal Filter
Reducing the Influence of DC Offset Drift in analog IPs using the Thue-Morse Sequence as Stimulus
Using current testing to improve test coverage in mixedsignal IC testing
08:30-10:30 Vendor Session 2C: Advanced DFT Tools
A Review of Power Strategies for DFT and ATPG
ScanBurst - Scan Infrastructure and Environment for Highly Effective At-Speed Testing
Realizing yield improvements with YieldAssist: High Volume Scan Diagnosis and Analysis
12:30-14:00 Lunch14:00-15:30 Session 3A: NoC Testing
Test Configurations for Diagnosing Faulty Links in NoC Switches
Optimization of NoC Wrapper Design Under Bandwidth and Test Time Constraints
How to Implement an Asynchronous Test Wrapper for Networks-on-Chip Nodes?
14:00-15:30 Session 3B: Advances in RF Test
FPGA Architecture for RF Transceiver System and Mixed-Signal Low Cost Tests
Digital Generation of Signals for Low Cost RF BIST
Variance Reduction for Supply Ramp Based Cheap RF Test Alternatives
14:00-15:30 Vendor Session 3C: Test Equipment and Solutions
The FLEX Architecture - High Efficiency Multisite Test
Scalable System Platform for Cost Effective Mixed Signal Test Solutions
Solutions for Testing Complex SoCs
15:30-16:30 Session 4: Posters and Coffee Break
Primary Input Vectors to Eliminate from Random Test Sequences for Synchronous Sequential Circuits
Reducing Test Data Volume of Deterministic BIST Via Test-Point Insertion
A Self-Correction Method for Change in Clock Signal Width
On Improving Channel Utilization in Testing NoC-Based Systems
Logic Errors in CMOS circuits due to Simultaneous Switching Noise
Towards a test vector independent test response analyser for NoCs
Analysis of Random Testbench for Data-Dominated Hardware Descriptions
Accessibility to Embedded A/MS Cores: An Oscillation-Based S-R DFT
Implementation of security extension for IEEE Std 1149.1 and analysis of possible attack scenarios
Pattern Generation for Composite Leakage Current Maximization
16:30-18:00 Session 5A: Diagnosis and Debug
Parallel Scan-Like Testing and Fault Diagnosis Techniques for Digital Microfluidic Biochips
Communication-centric SoC Debug using Transactions
Debug Architecture of the En-II System-on-Chip
16:30-17:30 Session 5B: Simulation and Verification
Electrical Simulation Model of the 2T-FLOTOX Core-Cell for Defect Injection and Faulty Behavior Prediction in eFlash Memories
Test Circuit for Functional Verification of Automatically Generated Cell Library
16:30-18:00 Vendor Session 5C: Intelligent Test Flows
Multiple Benefit by Adaptive Testing
New RF Test Technologies for lower cost and flexibility
Enabling DUT-ATE Interaction
18:00-19:30 Panel Session 6A: Logic BIST and Test-Data Compression: Friends or Foes?
Abstract: Just a few years ago, Logic BIST was presented as the one and only solution to virtually all test challenges: growing ATE costs, growing test application times, difficult test access to deeply embedded cores, etc. However, suddenly, in 2001, before mainstream acceptance of Logic BIST, the first commercial Test Data Compression tool was launched. This, and similar TDC products, seemed to have quickly gained foothold in the DfT market. This panel will address the following questions: Did TDC tools actually erode the market for Logic BIST tools? How do TDC and Logic BIST compare, in benefits and costs? Is the success of TDC a temporary thing, while the long-term solution still has to come from Logic BIST? What are companies offering or using today, and how do they expect that to change in the medium- and long-term future? Is the DfT space per chip big enough for both approaches to co-exist?
18:00-19:00 Embedded Tutorial Session 6B:
Low Power Test
Abstract Excessive power during test affects the reliability of digital integrated circuits, test throughput and manufacturing yield. Numerous low power test methods have been investigated over the past decade and new power-aware automatic test pattern generation, design-for-test and test planning techniques have emerged. This embeded tutorial introduces the topic of low power test and it overviews the basic techniques and some recent advancements in this field. 20:00-22:00 Dinner
Location: Feierling May 22nd, 200708:00-15:00 Symposium Registration
Location: Convention Center. 8:30-10:00 Session 7A: Memory Test
PPM Reduction on Embedded Memories in System on Chip
An Integrated Built-in Test and Repair Approach for Memories with 2D Redundancy
Dynamic Two-Cell Incorrect Read Fault due to Resistive-Open Defects in the Sense Amplifiers of SRAMs
8:30-10:00 Session 7B: Faults, IEEE 1500 and IJTAG/SJTAG
Delay Fault Testing of Interconnect Logic Between Embedded Cores
A Smart Delay Testing Framework based-on IEEE 1500
Extended STAPL as SJTAG engine
8:30-10:00 Vendor Session 7C: Key Technology: Electrical Contacts
Probing Challenges for Next Generation SoC Devices
New Low Inductance Socket Technology for High Speed Memory Device Testing
Multi-site Test - Extraordinary DFT Desired
10:00-11:00 Session 8: Posters and Coffee Break
Defect-Tolerant N2-Transistor Structure for Reliable Design at the Nanoscale
Delay Testing for Application-Specific Interconnects of FPGAs based on Inphase Structure
The Effects of Static Test Compaction for Functional Test Sequences on the Coverage of Stuck-at and Transition Faults
Learning from Failure Analysis: a case study
SAT-based ATPG for Path Delay Faults in Industrial Circuits
A Novel Circuit-Oriented SAT Engine and Its Application to Unbounded Model Checking
A Pattern Selection Approach for Accelerating Soft Error Rate Testing
Reliable Measurement of Interconnect Delays in Presence of Crosstalk-Induced Noise
Soft-Error Tolerant Built-In Self-Test Scheme for Random Access Memories
ADL-driven Test Pattern Generation for Functional Verification of Embedded Processors
11:00-12:30 Session 9A: On-Line Testing and Self-Test
A novel approach for online sensor testing based on an encoded test stimulus
Selecting Power-Optimal SBST Routines for On-Line Processor Testing
Optimal Contexts for the Self-Test of Coarse Grain Dynamically Reconfigurable Processors
11:00-12:30 Session 9B: Fault Grading and Test Quality
A Seed-Selection Method to Increase Defect Coverage for LFSR-Reseeding-Based Test Compression
Ultra Fast Parallel Fault Analysis on Structurally Synthesized BDDs
Computation and Application of Absolute Dominators in Industrial Designs
11:00-12:30 Vendor Session 9C: Test Communities
Semiconductor Test Consortium Expands its Charter
STC - New Working Group for Docking and Interfacing
The STC's University Working Group Drives Alignment of Industry
12:30-14:00 Lunch14:00-15:00 Embedded Tutorial Session 10A:
System-in-Package (SIP), A combination of challenges and solutions
Abstract System-in-Package (SiP) has recently become a significant technology in the semiconductor industry, offering to the consumer applications many new product features without increasing the overall form factor. In this talk, the basic SiP concepts are first discussed, showing difference between SiP and SoC, illustrated by some examples, drawn from real-life cases. The specific challenges are considered from the testing point of view, focussing on the assembled yield and defect level for the packaged SiP. Various bare-die test techniques to find known-good-dies are described including their limitations, followed by two techniques to test the SiP at the system level: functional system test and embedded component test. A brief discussion on future SiP design and test challenges concludes the presentation. 14:00-15:00 Embedded Tutorial Session 10B:
IC Test Cost Benchmarking
Abstract Driven by the increasing complexity of integrated circuits the pressure on test cost reduction increases exponentially as productivity on chip level progresses according to Moore's Law. A high-level strategic approach for test cost target setting and planning will be explained. The intention is to keep cost of test constant relative to overall cost of goods sold. This method has been developed and used at Infineon over the last couple of years to align our location, equipment and productivity target setting. 14:00-15:00 Embedded Tutorial Session 10C:
Wafer Level Reliability Screens
Abstract This tutorial discusses test methods and voltage stress appoaches required to ensure effective cost effective defect screening to produce high quality, reliable products. Wafer level reliability screens (WLRS) refers to the application of screens during wafer test that will both activate and detect a sufficient number of defects so that early life failure rate (ELFR) is reduced enough to meet customer spec, preferably without doing burn-in. Further, these screens have to have acceptable yield loss and acceptable test times 15:30-23:30 Social EventMore detailed information can be found here. May 23rd, 200708:00-16:00 Symposium Registration
Location: Convention Center. 8:30-10:00 Session 11A: Diagnosis and Yield Improvement
Analyzing Volume Diagnosis Results with Statistical Learning for Yield Improvement
Diagnostic Test Generation Based on Subsets of Faults
Compound Defects Diagnosis with Non-Compressed Patterns
8:30-10:00 Session 11B: Single Event Upsets
Static and Dynamic Analysis of SEU effects in SRAMbased FPGAs
Multiple SEU Tolerance in LUTs of FPGAs Using Protected Schemes
System level approaches for mitigation of long duration transient faults in future technologies
10:00-11:00 Session 12: Posters and Coffee Break
Exploiting Arithmetic Built-In Self-Test Techniques for Path Delay Fault Testing
Efficient Search Space Pruning for Multi-Valued SAT based ATPG
A Defect-Tolerant Architecture for the End of Roadmap CMOS
Minimal March Tests for Dynamic Faults in Random Access Memories
An Efficient Method to Tolerate Multiple Bit Upsets in SRAM Memory
A Reconfigurable Broadcast Scan Compression Scheme Using Relaxation Based Test Vector Decomposition
TAM Design and Test Data Compression for SoC Test Cost Reduction
Bayesian estimation for an imperfect test and repair model
Test-Data Compression Based on Variable-to-Variable Reusable Huffman Coding
Transistor Level Timing Analysis Considering Multiple Inputs Simultaneous Swtiching
11:00-12:30 Panel Session 13A: Error Tolerance: Are Good-enough Chips Good Enough?
Abstract: The advent of nanoscale technologies is leading to more and more errors, both hard and soft, showing up in the circuits. Known fault tolerance approaches can help in solving the problem, but often at an prohibitively high cost. Error tolerance is a novel paradigm stating that circuits containing defects, or good-enough (rather than perfect) chips, can operate in a way acceptable with respect to an application. First experiments demonstrated that a significant share of single-stuck-at faults in MPEG and JPEG devices lead to an acceptable performance. This panel will address the following questions: Is error tolerance a concept suited to achieve adequate yields in inherently unreliable nanoscale technologies? What are the implications of error tolerance on the design, test and verification flows? Is the market willing to accept good-enough chips? Is error tolerance applicable to hard or soft errors? What are the limitations?
11:00-12:30 Special Session 13B: Test Access for Chips, Boards and Multi-Board Systems: What is Really Needed?
Abstract What do you do when chips on a board behave unexpectedly? How do you know if the errors originate from functional design bugs or physical manufacturing defects? Do you have access to the internal silicon signals for observation and/or stimulation? Can you access the signals even when chips are mounted on boards and placed into systems? Do IJTAG and SJTAG initiatives help with this issue, or is something else needed?
12:30-14:00 Lunch14:00-15:30 Session 14: Delay and Performance Test
Automatic generation of instructions to robustly test delay defects in processors
On the Automatic Generation of Test Programs for Path-Delay Faults in Microprocessor Cores
Purely Digital BIST for any PLL or DLL
15:30-15:45 Session 15: Closing Remarks and Introduction to ETS'08Matteo Sonza Reorda : Politecnico di Torino, Italy ETS'08 General Chair 16:00-19:00 Affiliated Workshop
- 4th IEEE International Workshop on Silicon Debug and Diagnosis - SDD | ||||||
© 2006 University of Freiburg, Chair of Computer Architecture, Georges-Koehler-Allee 051, 79110 Freiburg, Germany · Impressum |